First Aid Training Courses

Course: First Aid for Appointed Persons

This course is for employers who require an Appointed Person for first aid in the workplace. This course does not qualify the candidate to be an HSE Approved first aider.


Candidates must be physically able to carry out the procedures detailed in the course contents and must attend all sessions to be eligible for assessment.


1/2 day.


Morning or afternoon.

Who is it for?

This course is for employers who require an Appointed Person for first aid in the workplace. This course does not qualify the candidate to be an HSE Approved first aider.

Course contents include:

  • Welcome and introduction
  • Health and safety introduction
  • Aims of first aid
  • Role and responsibility as a first aider
  • Management of a first aid incident
  • Primary survey (initial care of conscious and unconscious casualty)
  • Recovery position
  • Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Secondary survey
  • Monitoring the casualty
  • Course review

What Qualification?

First aid for appointed persons certificate, valid for 3 years.